Friday, August 12, 2011

Can i change schools?

Its immpossible. It really iz. Those girls at school drove me to cuttin the one of thwem had the balls to ask me why i cut infront of everyone(and they were also talkon trash about me rite behind my back). I snapped and my EXACT words after she said "do you cut yourself?" i said "yes, and if you dont shut up i'll do the same to your throat." then like 6 of them all started talkin shit and insulting me and i got so mad i actually got up and pulled some lil douche bag in a desk away so i could get at this one girl and i got all up in her face. Then she just insulted me more so i told the teacher i was goin to the bathroom then went to the counsler. I was so pissed i was shaking. Then after that, they questioned everyone(not really just those fuckin bitches and there friends) and in my journal i had earilers written my thoughts of wat will happen to th in the future. And in the end i said they would all commit suicide cuz there so pathetic. THEN once the principal read that he said that it was a threat! They twisted that lil story AND they said i said "shutup or ill slicw your throat." which i DID NOT! Yeah no but i got kicked out of school for 10 days and my mom just decided to withdrawl me. Those bitches got one detention for "talking about topics unrelated to school." and sooooo apparently im a fucking terrorist now :-/ still fuckin pisses me off tho. Oh and did i mention i was in a maijor deppresion and suocidal and they all knew it? Yeahhhhh. Good times huh? Srry for the rant. It was in 7th grade but it still pisses me off!


  1. Could you do school online? Or is there an alternative school? I mean the kind where you don't have to take as many classes and get as many credits. The kind where the kids who get expelled from school can go. Or kids who fall behind can go there and get the credits they need to graduate on time. Is there something like that? You could maybe home school.

  2. No one can home school me and there is no free programs and were poor :-/
